


研習課程 : RDA講習會

主辦單位 : 國家圖書館、中華民國圖書館學會

研習時間 : 民國101年3月21-23日

參加研習及資料整理者 : 傅美靜 / 圖資處

內容如下 :


一、什麼是RDA ?

1. RDA = Resource Description & Access. 是為因應當今及未來網路、數位、雲端環境下處理所有資源而制訂的新編目規則,冀以更符合網路世界資訊發展的需求。美國國會圖書館正式宣布自2013年3月31日起全面使用RDA編目規則,同時,AACR2英美編目規則即走入歷史。

2. RDA編目規則詳細全文及教育訓練文件教材網站 :

3. RDA學習工具網站 : [電子郵件至

申請註冊 (提供申請者姓名/機構單位名稱/自設帳號及密碼),可免費使用至101年4月30日止。日後須付費。)

4. RDA產生背景說明影音檔: wdesc.php?rec=4320 (須申請註冊)

5. RDA編目原則說明影音檔:

wdesc.php?rec=4327 (須申請註冊)

6. RDA展望未來說明影音檔:

wdesc.php?rec=4967 (須申請註冊)

7. RDA發展聯合指導委員會 (Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA)

網站 :

8. RDA美國測試網站 :

9. RDA諮詢電子信箱 :


二、RDA的制訂來源 : 是依據IFLA的3個國際原則

1. FRBR = Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (1998) 包含


參考網站 : wdesc.php?rec=4554

(1) Entity-relationship model (實體關聯關係)

- Entities : Group 1, 2, 3

-- Group 1 : Products of intellectual & artistic endeavor = bibliographic resources --- Work (作品) : 書名、原創作者等

--- Expression (表達描述) : 語文、年代、原創作者外其他作者等

--- Manifestation (顯示) : 出版項、檢索點

--- Item (項目) : 索書號、館藏地

-- Group 2 : Those responsible for the intellectual & artistic content = Parties

--- Person (個人作者)

--- Corporate body (團體作者)

--- Family (家族)

-- Group 3 : Subjects of works

--- Concept (概念)

--- Object (對象)

--- Event (事件)

--- Place (地點)

Subject relationship 標題間關聯性

- Relationships (實體關聯關係)

- Attributes (屬性) (即是RDA的 Elements)

(2) User tasks (使用者工作、需求)

- Find (發現)

- Identify (辨明)

- Select (選擇)

- Obtain (獲取)

(3) National level record elements (mandatory & optional data)



2. FRAD = Functional Requirements for Authority Data (2009),包含

網站 :

(1) Entity-relationship model (實體關聯關係)

- Entities : Group 1, 2, 3

-- Group 1 : Products of intellectual & artistic endeavor = bibliographic resources --- Work (作品) : 書名、原創作者等

--- Expression (表達描述) : 語文、年代、原創作者外其他作者等

--- Manifestation (顯示) : 出版項、檢索點等

--- Item (項目) : 索書號、館藏地

-- Group 2 : Those responsible for the intellectual & artistic content = Parties

--- Person (個人作者)

--- Corporate body (團體作者)

--- Family (家族)

-- Group 3 : Subjects of works

--- Concept (概念)

--- Object (對象)

--- Event (事件)

--- Place (地點)

Subject relationship 標題間關聯性

- Relationships (實體關聯關係)

- Attributes (屬性) (即是RDA的 Elements)

(2) User tasks (使用者工作、需求)

- Find (發現)

- Identify (辨明)

- Contextualize (前後關係)

- Justify (判斷)

(3) National level record elements (mandatory & optional data)



3. ICP = Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (2009)

網站 :

(1) Convenience of the user (最高指導原則)

(2) Representation                  (3) Common usage

(4) Accuracy                        (5) Significance

(6) Sufficiency and necessity       (7) Economy

(8) Consistency and standardization (9) Integration

(10) Defensible, not arbitrary     

(11) If contradict, take a defensible, practical solution


三、RDA編目規則架構、特色及注意事項 (Structure)

(一) 架構

(1) General introduction

(2) Elements (entities and their attributes)

Ch. 1-7 : work、expression、manifestation、item

Ch. 8-16 : person、family、corporate body、place

(3) Relationships : Ch. 17-22, 24-32

(4) Appendices

- Appendix D 包含

-- ISBD to RAD

-- MARC 21 bibliographic format to RDA

- Appendix E 包含

-- Presentation and punctuation of access points

-- MARC 21 authority format to RDA

(5) Glossary

(6) Index

(二) 特色

(1) RDA is a content standard (RDA是一個內容要旨的標準)

(AACR2 is a display standard)

(2) Focus on local user needs (強調當地使用者的需求)

(3) For wider scope of resources (涵括所有資源)

(4) Only a few closed controlled vovabularies : content、media and carrier types、mode of issuance, etc.(少數為控制詞彙)已登記註冊的詞彙清單網站

Most are open (多數為開放自然語言,編目人員可以自行提供名詞描述)

(5) Take what you see and accept what you get (接受你所看到的款目內容,不修正、不縮寫、不省略、不改變大小寫…等)

(6) Convenience of the user (服務讀者為導向,以讀者了解語言自然著述,呼應上述第(5)點,如ill. 改以全字表示 illustration.

(7) Not by class of materials (不以圖書、連續性出版品、視聽資料等資料類型分章節,而是RDA適用於所有資源)

(8) Basic goals : identify and relate (強調元素間的關聯性 relationships)

(9) Core elements listed as a group in RDA0.6 (RDA核心元素列於RDA規則0.6)

(10) Alternatives and options、”or”instructions 、”agency eparing…”instructions (規則內,除標準編目方式外,RDA提供另一方式編目的說明)

(11) 編目專有名詞變更 :



1. heading

Authorized access point

2. author、composer…etc.


3. main entry

Preferred title + authorized access point for creator if appropriate

4. uniform title

(1) preferrd title (+ other information to differentiate)

(2) conventional collective title

5. see reference

Variant access point

6. see also reference

Authorized access point for related entity

7. physical description

Carrier description

8. GMD

分為3欄位 (1) media type +

           (2) carrier type +

           (3) content type

9. chief source

Preferred sources (仍以書名頁為主要著錄來源)


(三) 編目原則前12大注意事項

(1) User needs/user tasks (使用者需求): find、identify、select、obtain

(2) Take what you see (看到什麼就著錄什麼)

(3) Element-based description (屬性特質為基礎的敍述)

- easier reuse of well-formed metadata

- elements sets

- RDA registry (controlled vocabularies)

- more use of pre-existing data

(4) Work、Expression、Manifestation、Item

(5) “Core” and “Core if”…Elements – can add others

(6) Alternatives、optional omissions、optional additions

(7) Fewer abbreviations (不縮寫為原則)

(8) Relationships、 Relationships、Relationships (關聯性)

(most beyond core elements 比核心元素重要)

(9) Content、Media、and Carrier types (刪除GMD)

(10) No more “ rule of three” – instead, use cataloger’s judgement

{刪除AACR2規則,作者若3人(含)以下,全部著錄;若4人以上,著錄第1位作者 + [et al.]。改為1位及2位作者 : 全部著錄;3位(含)以上,可全部著錄,或是第1位作者 + [and xxx others],如有3位作者,作者敍述是John Smith [and two others]}。

(11) Sources for information expanded (包含更延伸的資訊,如URL (網址)。


(12) Identifying characteristics (elements and relationships) as building blocks for future systems。Talk to vendor about need for new systems。



四、RDA 編目規則著錄方式簡述

(一) RDA bibliographic record MARC段號及分欄

(1) Leader/18 : value “i”(ISBD)

(2) 040 $a DLC $b eng $c DLC $e rda

(二) Preferred source(主要著錄來源) : 書名頁 (source of title proper)

(三) Take and accept what you see :punctuation、abbreviations、inaccurancies、symbols、initials、numbering : generally follow that is on source。(看到作品是什麼就直接著述什麼,對於縮寫、拼字錯誤、符號、編號數字等皆不做任何修正,可在附註項更正說明)

(四) Capitalization (大小寫) :

(1) Follow in-house guidelines or preferred style manual (可依館內編目原則制定,如書名開頭第1個字的第1個字母大寫,其他為小寫)。

(2) Accept data from scanning、downloading (不做更正直接著述)。

(五) Core elements for the manifestations核心元素





Title proper






Title proper


The chief name of a



RDA 2.3.1-2.3.2

RDA 2.2.2-2.2.3

RDA 2.2.4

MARC 245 $a

Do not correct errors ,no more “[sin]”or “i.e._   _”(一般資源正題名若有錯誤,不要修正。不再使用[sin]或[i.e.   ]修正說明)


Do correct errors and integrate for serials (連續性出版品的正題名若有錯誤,要修正。名稱不同要統一)



Earlier title proper (變更前正題名)

RDA 2.3.7


MARC 247

Later title proper (變更後正題名)

RDA 2.3.8


MARC 246


Parallel title proper


Title proper in another language.

Sources expanded to any source


RDA 2.3.3

MARC 245 $b

Other title information

(其他題名, 如副題名)

From same as source as title proper


RDA 2.3.4

MARC 245 $b

Statement of responsibility













From same as source as title proper or other sources expanded


If not give all statements of responsibility, give creator, only first recorded is required (若只著述一種著作方式,以創作者為主)


MARC 245 $c

Transcribe as found (no longer the AACR2 “rule of 3”) {1位及2位作者 : 全部著錄;3位(含)以上,可全部著錄,或是第1位作者 + [and xxx others],如有3位作者,作者敍述是

John Smith [and two others]}

RDA 2.4.2

MARC 245 $c



Transcribe as found : do not abbreviate or convert numerals


RDA 2.5.2

RDA 2.5.6

MARC 250 $a

Place of publication


More than one, only

The first recorded is required, no more “home country”(著錄第1個出版地即可)

Supply a probale place whenever possible (儘可能著錄”可能”的出版地,如[Toronto?])

If no probable place, give”[place of publication not identified], not [s.l.] (無出版地, 詳細說明出版地不詳, 不再使用[s.l.])

RDA 2.8.2

MARC 260 $a



More than one, only

The first recorded is required.


If no publisher, give”[publisher not identified], not [s.n.] (無出版者, 詳細說明出版者不詳, 不再使用[s.n.])

Do not shorten the form of name but can omit corporate hierarchy. (團體出版者, 以全名著錄, 不要縮寫, 但可省略上層組織名稱)

Cannot supply a probable publisher, sometimes must give distribution or manufacture information

(無出版者, 著錄經銷商或製作商)

RDA 2.8.4

MARC 260 $b

Date of publication


Supply a probale date whenever possible (儘可能著錄”可能”的出版年,如[2010?])

If no date, give”[date of publication not identified]. (無出版年, 詳細說明出版年不詳)

If no date, only copyright date, give copyright date. (只有版權年, 著錄版權年, 如c2010)

RDA 1.9

RDA 2.7.6

RDA 2.8.6

RDA 2.11

MARC 260 $c



Title includes “take what you see”and the policy on capitalization


RDA 2.12.2

RDA 2.12.10

MARC 490 $a

ISSN of series and subseries now repeatable


RDA 2.12.8

RDA 2.12.16

MARC 490 $x

Numbering within series and subseries

(集叢號表示與連續性出版品卷期號相同, 全名表示, 如volume 32


MARC 490 $v



Numbering of serials


RDA 2.6

MARC 362

Mode of issuance (發行方式)

-“m”for“single unit”and

 “multipart monograph”

-“s”for “serial”

-“i”for integrating resource

RDA 2.13


Frequencey (週期)

RDA 2.14


MARC 310

MARC 321

Identifier for the manifestation


-    ISBN, ISSN …etc.

-    Assigned by publishers, distributors, government agencies…etc.

-    Fingerprints

-    Music publisher numbers

-    Not URLS (不含URL)

RDA 2.14

RDA 4.6

MARC 020

MARC 022

MARC 024

MARC 028

MARC 086

Note on identification for multipart monographs and serials、integrating resources、online resource


RDA 2.20.13

MARC 588

Content type


Media type


Carrier type


刪除AACR2規則的資料類型GMD表示法及MARC 245 $h for GMD。RDA將資料類型細分新增為3欄位如下

-    Content type : 如 text…

-    Media type : 如computer

-    Carrier type : 如 microfiche

Use”computer disc”not

“computer disk”and

“computer optical disc”

各類型使用控制詞彙表示,詞彙清單參照RDA規則6.9.1.3(content type)及3.2.1.3(media type)及3.3.1.3(carrier type)

MARC 336-338 fields :

-    $a : term

-    $b : code

-    $2 : rdacontent or rdamediaor  


-    $3 materials specified




RDA 6.9

RDA 3.2

RDA 3.3




MARC 336

MARC 337

MARC 338




No abbreviations for terms



Use “that is”(not”i.e.”)

Use “unnumbered”(not square brackets enclosing the numeral



MARC 300 $a

Duration (長度,使用縮寫,如35min.或2hr.)

Use abbreviations : min. or hr.

min. = minute ; hr. = hour

RDA 7.22

RDA appendix B

MARC 300 $a

Iullstrative (插圖,不可縮寫)

Use”color”(not “col.”)

Use”sound”(not “sd.”)

Use”silent”(not “si.”)

Use”illustrations”(not ill.)


MARC 300 $b

Dimensions (高廣,使用縮寫,

如4 3/4 in.)

Use abbreviation : in. or 

in. = inches

Use symbol : cm. or mm.

RDA 3.5

MARC 300 $c

Dissertation or thesis


New subfields (新增3分欄)

-    Academic degree, 如Ph.D

-    Faculty/institution, 如學校

-    Date, 如1997

RDA 7.9


MARC 502 $b

MARC 502 $c

MARC 502 $d

Index or bibliography

or appendix



504 $a Bibliography: pages 238-239

RDA 7.16

MARC 504 $a

Recourses for children


Intended audience

Summarization of content

RDA 7.7

RDA 7.10

MARC 008

MARC 022

MARC 521

MARC 520

MARC 856

(六) Identifying works and expressions (also called “naming the work”and “naming the expression”, same as AACR2 “main entry”) (主要款目、分析款目及檢索點) : RDA 5 and 6

(1)Simultaneous publication : different titles in same language or in  different languages. Use title first received.

(2)Creator : use having principal responsibility (preferred).If not, use the first-named creator.


(七) Authorized access points and authority records (權威檢索點及記錄)

(1) according to RDA ch.8-11

(2) Identifying persons (個人作者權威記錄格式) RDA 9.19

- Includes fictitious name (虛擬人物名可作個人權威記錄,如Miss Piggy)

- Most commonly known (最為人所知的)

- the first resource received (第1個列入館藏)

- Include words (e.g. Jr., Sr., IV) 如Roy Rogers, Jr.

- Sometimes, include terms of address (e.g. Dr., Mrs.,Cousin…) (含稱謂)

- Give dates for persons

-- “century”replaces “cent.”

-- “approximately”replaces “ca.”

-- use hyphens “-“ replaces “b.”and “d.”

-- “active”replaces “fl.”

- Include title (頭銜) : royalty、nobility、rank of office or religious vocation, 如100 0# $a Benedict $b XVI, $c Pope, $d 1927-

- Fuller form of name (全名) : Smith, Nancy E. $q (Nancy Elizabeth)

- Field of activity of person (專業領域專家) : always enclosed in parentheses (置於括弧內, 如(Crow Indian chief))

- Profession or occupation (職業): always enclosed in parentheses (置於括弧內, 如(Gardener))

(3)Identifying families (家族名稱權威記錄格式) RDA 10.10

- the form most commonly known (最為人知的) : surname、dynasty…

- Type of family : “Family”、”Clan”、”Royal house”、”Dynasty” always enclosed in parentheses (置於括弧內, 如(Family))

- Date (年代) : 如1802 – 1945

- Place (地點) : 如 Washington D.C., U.S.A.

綜述範例 : 100 3# $a Nayak (Dynasty : $d 1529-1739 : $c Madurai, India)

(4)Identifying corporate bodies (團體名稱權威記錄格式) RDA 11.13

- the form most commonly known (最為人知的)

- Variant spellings, choose the first resource received (第1個列入館藏)

- “Department” do not abbreviate
- Form for a conference
、congress、meeting、exhibition、festival :

-- Retain frequency (保留週期)

-- Omit year (省略年代)

-- Location : no more “ rule of three”, if conference held online, location is “ Online”.

-- Associated institution

- Date (年代) : 如1802 – 1945

- Number of a conference, use ordinal numerals, i.e. 1st, 2nd,3rd,etc.

(5) MARC 21 為權威格式新增的段號

- authority format

-- 046 : special coded dates

$k : beginning or single date created

$l : ending date created

-- 370 : associated place

$g : place of origin of work

-- 380 : form of work

-- 381 : other distinguishing characteristics of work or expression

-- 382 : medium of performance

-- 383 : numeric designation of a musical work

-- 384 : key

- for persons

-- 046 : special coded dates
-- 370 : associated place

-- 371 : address

-- 372 : field of activity

-- 373 : affiliation’

-- 374 : occupation

-- 375 : gender

-- 377 : associated language

- for families

-- 046 : special coded dates

-- 370 : associated place

-- 376 : family information

- for corporate bodies

-- 046 : special coded dates

-- 370 : associated place

-- 371 : address

-- 377 : associated language

(八) MARC 21 為權威格式新增段號的相關網站

(1) Examples for authority records

(2) LC Network Development and MARC Standards Office site


(九) VIAF = The Virtual International Authority File (國際權威檔)

- Virtually combining the name authority file of all institutions into a single name authority service.

-- Library of Congress (LC)

-- Deutshe Nationalbibliothek (DNB)

-- Bibliotheque nationale de France (BnF)

-- OCLC – host

網址 :


五、Relationships (關聯關係)

(1) The first main task of RDA is identification. The second main task is relationship.

(2) Relationships on work、expression、manifestation、item、person、family、corporate body、authorized access point.如

- Shakespeare create Hamlet (for work、expression)

- Translator、editors of compilations、performers、illustrators、compilers (for person、family、corporate body)

- Whole-part、adaptations、supplements (for work)

- Revisions、editions、translations、language editions、abridgements (for expression)

綜述範例 : 700 1# $i Translation of : $a Brown, Dan, $d 1964- $t Digital fortress.


六、完整RDA編目規則範例 :

100 1# $a Douglas, Eric, $e author, $e illustrator.

245  10 $a Wildflowers of Australia : $b an illustrated guide for amateur botanists / $c by Eric Douglas, Ann-Marie Blake, Preston Kelley, and Sarah Nathanson ; illustrated by Eric Douglas and Sarah Nathanson.

250 ## $a Second rev. edition.

260 ## $a [Australia] : $b Nature Publishing Company, $c 2012, ©2012.

300 ## $a xix, 212 pages : $b color illustrations, photographs ; $c 24cm.

336 ## $a text $a still image $2 rdacontent

337 ## $a unmediated $2 rdamedia

338 ## $a volume $2 rdacarrier

490 0# $a Wildflowers of the world, $x 2233-4455 ; $v number XVII

700 1# $a Blake, Ann-Marie, $e author.

700  1# $a Kelley, Preston, $e author.

700  1# $a Nathanson, Sarah, $e author, $e illustrator.


另一作法 :

- 若正題名看到全是大寫WILDFLOWERS OF AUSTRALIA,可改為依原樣直接著錄。

- 作者可改為 $c by Eric Douglas [and three others]

- 版本看到全是大寫SECOND REVISED EDITION,可改為依原樣直接著錄。




(二) 制訂館方RDA編目原則,簡編或詳編,包含的核心款目等

(三) 告訴自動化廠商MARC 21及OPAC新增欄位

(四) 參加研習,多加練習

(五) 不溯及既往,AACR2規則的書目記錄與RDA規則的書目記錄可共存,美國國會圖書館的政策作法。





(一) 評估將CMARC 轉換為 MARC 21,國家圖書館可提供免費軟體。

(二) 告訴自動化廠商MARC 21及OPAC新增欄位及欄位字元長度要加長。

(三) 制訂本館RDA編目原則,大小寫、多位作者表示法等。

(四) 參加中國圖書館學會研習課程。

(五) 注意國家圖書館RDA研究小組的發展動向,配合因應及實施。

(六) 編列相關作業所需經費預算。



 註 :  出處 :「RDA講習會手冊」,國家圖書館、中華民國圖書館學會主辦,民國101年3月

             21-23日。主講人 : Dr. Barbara Tillett (美國國會圖書館政策與標準部主任) 。

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